Workshops on user-friendly public and shared transport using CCAM
The SINFONICA project is holding two workshops in early 2025 on user-friendly public and shared transport using Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM):
- Tuesday 28 January in ’s Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch), hosted by Provincie Noord-Brabant. The language of this workshop will be Dutch.
- Friday 14 February in Brussels, hosted by ERTICO. The language of this workshop will be English.
Both workshops will be half a day (morning) and will cover two main themes:
- Development of policy and project recommendations user-friendly and inclusive transport by CCAM
- Presenting, testing and evaluating the SINFONICA Knowledge Map Explorer
The Den Bosch workshop is aimed at stakeholders in the Netherlands and Flanders.
The Brussels workshop is aimed at a European audience and will take place the day following the European RTR Conference (Results from Road Transport Research – https://rtrconference.eu). It will take place at: ERTICO, Avenue Louise 523, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
The target audience includes:
- Policy makers at local, regional, national and European level
- Operators of public and shared transport
- Representatives of user groups or civil society, especially if concerned with inclusivity, equity and accessibility aspects
- Other research and demonstration projects covering CCAM, automation or public transport, including EU-funded CCAM Partnership projects
- Researchers and academia.
Register for the Brussels workshop at https://forms.office.com/e/vLzr1JypUn
To register for the workshop in Den Bosch, simply send an e-mail by 21 January with your name to the following e-mail address: lmeijer@brabant.
A glimpse of SINFONICA
SINFONICA aims to facilitate the shift toward innovative, smart mobility concepts in an inclusive and equitable way, through the adoption of an approach that always puts users and their needs at the centre.
To fulfill this ambition, the SINFONICA project will develop functional, efficient, and innovative strategies, methods, and tools to engage users, suppliers and other stakeholders of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM), to collect, understand and structure their needs, wishes and concerns related to CCAM in a manageable and exploitable way.

14 Partners
from 7 countries

36 Months
starting in September 2022 to August 2025

4 Living Labs
Trikala, Hamburg, West Midlands, and Province of Noord-Brabant

3.7M € Budget
From the call HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-05 (Area B)