Now that SINFONICA has taken off, we want to offer everyone the chance to discover more about the Consortium that will implement the Project with the aim of making future CCAM solutions more accessible and inclusive, suitable for all road users.
For this reason, we have launched the “Get to know SINFONICA Partners!” initiative, a video series where the different SINFONICA Consortium Partners will introduce themselves, explaining their respective roles within the Project and what their specific contribution will be.
This series of interviews will also be a way of getting to know the different perspectives of the SINFONICA protagonists, who compose a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral Partnership, characterized by actors from industry, academia and research. By following this talks, you will be able to discover how CCAM and social innovation intersect the domains of each Partner and understand how SINFONICA differs from other projects active in the field of mobility.
If you are curious about SINFONICA and want to find out more about it, learning about its expected impacts and objectives, follow the project’s social channels and be sure not to miss the next episode of the “Get to know SINFONICA Partners!” feature.